About Brooks Brown

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So far Brooks Brown has created 230 blog entries.

The Financial Impact of Divorce After Age 50

Facing a divorce after the age of 50, especially as you near retirement, can be especially fraught with financial implications you may not have considered. Even if you’ve been anticipating this significant life transition, often referred to as “gray divorce”, [...]

Investing Fundamentals: Building Wealth for the Future

Building wealth is so much more than accumulating money for its own sake. When you have a solid wealth-building strategy, you can protect yourself from financial emergencies and ensure a comfortable retirement. Many people don’t understand that to truly build [...]

We Hear a Lot About Inflation Rates, But Do You Know How It’s Calculated?

Inflation is a ubiquitous economic concept that impacts the everyday lives of people around the world. It's a critical factor in understanding the rising prices of goods and services, affecting everything from the cost of groceries to the value of [...]
