A cash balance plan is a qualified (tax-favored) retirement plan that combines the high contribution amounts of a defined benefit plan with the look, feel and portability of a defined contribution plan. For that reason, it’s called a “hybrid” plan.

Cash balance plans resemble 401(k) plans in terms of offering individual, portable retirement accounts. But they allow significantly higher contribution levels and use different investment principles. A cash balance plan communicates the promised benefit to employees as an account balance rather than an annual amount payable for life.

You may want to consider a cash balance plan if…

  • You currently sponsor a 401(k) for your company and would like to defer more than $58,000, or $64,500 annually if 50 years of age or older.
  • You want to rapidly accelerate retirement savings with annual pre-tax contributions from $100,000 to $200,000 or more, depending on age.
  • The owners and executives are, on average, older than the non-highly compensated employees.
  • Your 401(k) plan is safe harbor. Companies already making a 3% or higher contribution to staff within an existing retirement plan typically see a great benefit from cash balance.
  • You own a family business. A cash balance plan can be used as a component of succession planning.
  • The principals or sole proprietors earn more than $150,000 annually.
  • Several owners want to benefit from a greatly enhanced retirement plan.
  • You need to squeeze 20 years of savings into 10.
  • You would like protection from creditors. ERISA protects cash balance plan assets (and assets of all qualified retirement plans) from creditors in the event of bankruptcy or lawsuit.
  • You want to attract and retain high-caliber talent.

How much can be contributed in a cash balance plan?

Employer contributions are determined by an actuary and specified in the plan document. It can be a percentage of pay or a flat dollar amount.

What are the advantages of a cash balance plan?

Employer contributions are determined by an actuary and specified in the plan document. It can be a percentage of pay or a flat dollar amount.

  1. Reduces taxes. Funds are tax deductible and earnings grow tax-deferred until withdrawn. This benefit is enormous and can have a dramatic impact on savings accumulation.
  2. Accelerates retirement savings. Squeeze 20 years of retirement savings into 10.
  3. Attracts and retains top talent. Money that would otherwise have gone to the IRS now enriches both the employer and employee retirement savings, helping attract, reward and retain talented tenure employees.
  4. Shelter from creditors. In volatile economic times, preserving profits from both taxes and creditors is increasingly important.
  5. Protect retirement savings from market volatility. Cash balance plans grow primarily through high contribution amounts earning interest rates that stay ahead of inflation without taking on major risk.

When it comes to retirement savings, protecting your loved ones and yourself from market volatility should be of utmost importance. A cash balance plan could provide you with the stability you need as well as offer other benefits like reducing your taxes and accelerating your retirement savings.

If you’re unsure if a cash balance plan is right for you, we encourage you to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation meeting with our team of professionals. We’ll not only answer any questions you have about cash balance plans but will also do a deep dive into your current situation before providing you with your very own Custom Retirement Paycheck Plan.

Our Custom Retirement Paycheck Plan shows how to protect your retirement from the risks of unexpected market swings, tax changes, and health care expenses using a mathematically tested strategy to create lifetime income allowing you to stop worrying about outliving your money and get on with enjoying the rest of your life.

Let us show you in black and white a custom retirement income plan that is comprehensive, individualized and based on strategies that balance growth with downside protection. Get your Custom Retirement Paycheck Plan now!

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Give us a call at our office at (336) 391-3409. Or, click here to request a no-cost, no-obligation meeting.


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