You probably know a lot of your friends that are rethinking their retirement plans because of how stock  markets performed in 2022. Well, they are not alone.

In fact, a survey from the nonprofit group Life Happens suggests that a whopping 53% of Americans say they plan to postpone and continue working past their retirement date.

This is troubling for lots of reasons. And while it’s impossible to make blanket statements or give advice that fits the masses, there are a few important questions that all pre-retirees – as well as those currently in retirement – need to ask themselves. Because at least once a year, it’s important that you make an honest assessment of where you are – and how you got there.

Ask yourself:

  • How is your health? Did you know that 4 out of 10 current retirees said they were forced to retire earlier than planned because of health issues? Of course you don’t know what the future holds for you in terms of your health, but an honest assessment is a great investment in you.
  • How is your asset allocation? More specifically, if you are retired now, were you invested 100%in equities hoping for one or two “great” years from the stock market? Not reallocating your portfolio away from equities when you are in retirement is actually a pretty common mistake. But it can be devastating too.
  • Did you alter your financial plan because of market pullbacks? Asked another way: did you change your investments because you were scared? Trying to time the market based on fleeting emotions is a dangerous game.

Just remember, if your asset allocation remains inconsistent with your retirement goals and risk profile, then you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.

If you remember anything, please remember this: when you planned for retirement, you modeled out your financial expenses and lifestyle choices. But just because you’re retired, it doesn’t mean that your planning stops. You hear it all the time: 70 is the new 60 or 80 is the new 70 or whatever age you are is the new age minus a decade. Because the reality is we are living longer. And as you know, things are getting more expensive too.

Your financial plan should be designed so you can enjoy retirement and sleep better at night. That’s why we created our Custom Retirement Paycheck Plan.

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